- MadPilots™
- Pranešimai: 880
- Užsiregistravo: 15 Bir 2007, 11:38
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Susisiekti:
I just want to share a bad experience of my friend(he's not on fb) with Apco. He has Apco Thrust HP size S, manufactured in 2007, with 150 hours of airtime on it. He decided to make a porosity test on it last week. The whole glider should be made from Gelvenor, which showed also porosity test - the values were after the 150 hours around 800-900 seconds on all the glider, except of the middle part(that batman shaped pattern), which was clearly made from some shitty fabric as this part had porosity only 15-20 seconds. When he contacted Apco, their reaction was just very stupid. They told him, that they would expect on a 6 years old glider porosity 15-20 seconds everywhere, not only on the middle pattern. WTF? After 150 hours? This would be too low for a skytex 40g/m2, not Gelvenor. They write bullshit in FAQs . article called "Why is a specific cloth used" about how is the porosity important and how other manufacturers attacked them, there is even a table with expected porosity after 500 hours, and they have on this such a stupid attitude... Apco has disppointed not only him, but also me...
- svajoklis
- Pranešimai: 1446
- Užsiregistravo: 27 Lie 2007, 10:32
- Miestas: Taurage
Re: Apco
Mindaugas rašė:I just want to share a bad experience of my friend(he's not on fb) with Apco. He has Apco Thrust HP size S, manufactured in 2007, with 150 hours of airtime on it. He decided to make a porosity test on it last week. The whole glider should be made from Gelvenor, which showed also porosity test - the values were after the 150 hours around 800-900 seconds on all the glider, except of the middle part(that batman shaped pattern), which was clearly made from some shitty fabric as this part had porosity only 15-20 seconds. When he contacted Apco, their reaction was just very stupid. They told him, that they would expect on a 6 years old glider porosity 15-20 seconds everywhere, not only on the middle pattern. WTF? After 150 hours? This would be too low for a skytex 40g/m2, not Gelvenor. They write bullshit in FAQs article called "Why is a specific cloth used" about how is the porosity important and how other manufacturers attacked them, there is even a table with expected porosity after 500 hours, and they have on this such a stupid attitude... Apco has disppointed not only him, but also me...
Naujas Speech Mindaugas »08 kov 2013, 09:45
Aš tik noriu pasidalinti blogos patirties mano draugas (jis ne ant fb) su APCO. Jis turi APCO atsistumia HP Dydis S, pagamintas 2007 metais, su 150 valandų eterio laiko ant jo. Jis nusprendė, kad Jo akytumo testą praėjusią savaitę. Turėtų būti iš Gelvenor, kuris parodė, poringumas testą - vertės buvo po 150 val apie 800-900 sekundžių dėl sklandytuvo, išskyrus vidurinioji dalis (kad Batman formos modelis), kuris buvo aiškiai numatyti kai visa sklandytuvas shitty audinys kaip šios dalies poringumas tik 15-20 sekundžių. Kai jis susisiekė su APCO, jų reakcija buvo tiesiog labai kvailas. Jie papasakojo jam, kad jiems būtų galima tikėtis dėl 6 metų sklandymo poringumas 15-20 sekundžių visur, ne tik ant vidurinio modelio. WTF? Po 150 valandų? Tai būtų per maža, per Skytex 40g/m2, o ne Gelvenor. Jie rašo nesąmonė DUK Straipsnis pavadinimu: "Kodėl yra specialus audinys naudojamas" apie tai, kaip poringumas svarbūs ir kaip kiti gamintojai užpuolė juos, yra net atitinka tikėtiną poringumo lentelė po 500 valandų, ir jie turi šioje srityje, pavyzdžiui kvailas požiūris ... APCO buvo disppointed ne tik jam, bet ir man ...
Jubiliejus- tai tuomet, kai daug gėlių, o tu dar gyvas.
- Gintaras
- Pilotai
- Pranešimai: 202
- Užsiregistravo: 06 Gru 2005, 23:25
- Miestas: Vilnius-Vieksniai
Re: Apco
Vakar oro salygos neleido "prajodineti" naujojo Jovaro sparno-pazadejo ispudziais pasidalinti su visais.Progai psitaikius bus idomu palyginti su savuoju NRG.
varnos skraido buriais - ereliai po viena
- Pranešimai: 2
- Užsiregistravo: 31 Kov 2018, 23:48
Re: Apco
Šeštadienį išbandžiau! Labai smagus sparnas Tikiuosi, ne vien dėl to, kad senokai buvau skridęs aplamai. Kolkas tik 2 trumpi skrydžiai po 15-20 min. Vairavimas labai smagus. Greitai ir energingai reaguoja. Kaip kartingas be jokių pamąstymų ir priešinimųsi. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSGHIZB ... e=youtu.be[/youtube]